Day 13: Got up at 7:40 am for a drive from Dutch Lake at Well's Gray National Park to Nairn Falls Provincial Park (395km / 245mi). That morning the children went for a last swim in Dutch Lake. In the meantime I had looked at the route on a map and read a travel guide about Whistler and Vancouver Island. At around 10am we were ready to leave for Nairn Falls Provincial Park and I picked them up at the lake. That day we had a long, but beautiful ride of 00 hours ahead.
To Nairn Falls Provincial Park via Lac de Roches
The road to Kamloops (Highway 5) was partially blocked that day and we decided to take Highway 24 & 97 to Nairn Falls provincial Park. Along this beautiful route we saw countless lakes, including Lac de Roches. We had lunch at the viewpoint with a beautiful view of the lake. Later in the day we drove past Duffey Lake, in the language of the original inhabitants, the L'íl Wat Nation, called the lake “Teq”. Which means as much as “blocked”. By this they mean the blockage by tree trunks at the end of Duffey Lake (see 3rd photo).
Pemberton black bears
On our way to the next campsite we saw 4 black bears, a mother with 3 little bears, in a wasteland on the edge of a forest in Pemberton. They walked on the right side of the intersection, where we had to wait for a stop sign. A little further, two other black bears walked in a meadow. And we were looking for bears all the time in the woods.
Small hike to the waterfalls
Nairn Falls Provincial Park is an 5 minute drive from Pemberton and is a quietly located site next to the fast-flowing Green River, a branch of the Lillooet River. The campsite is a good base for exploring Whistler. An 1.5km-long path leads to Nairn Falls from the campsite. After approximately 20 min steps along the river you will come to the 60 meter high waterfall that flows down into parts in 2.
Green River
It is best to reserve a campsite on the higher part next to the river. On the website of the park it is not recommended to camp with small children on the edge of the river, because there are very steep banks. We have followed the advice and reserved a place on the other side of the road instead of on the side of the river.
Nairn Falls Provincial Park Campground #47
At night we could hear the river at our camping spot. A place closer to the Sea-to-Sky Highway is less recommended, because the Highway runs right next to the campsite. On our place (#47) we didn't hear the sound of the cars. We had chosen this campsite, because we would anyway arrive too late in Whistler. The private campsite "Riverside Resort" in Whistler was much more expensive than Nairn Falls Provincial Park and actually I felt it was too expensive for just an overnight stay. In Nairn Falls Provincial Park we were also able to make a short walk to Nairn Falls before dark in the afternoon.
Nairn Falls "holes"
Eventually we were surprised by the special waterfall. In the rocks of the waterfall you will find "holes" that are made because water with small particles turns nonstop around. It is also a spiritual place of the L'íl Wat Nation. The 171 ha large park is home to one of the most cold tolerant snakes, the Rubber-Boa. The snake is on average only 45 cm long, live at night and are very shy.
I fell asleep that night with the relaxing rustling sound of the fast-flowing Green River in the background. The next morning we left 20 minutes earlier to the busy RV car parks of Upper Village Whistler.
Hiking on Whistler Mountain and zipping with Ziptrek Eco Tours
Day 14: We left that morning from Nairn Provincial Park to Whistler (35km / 21mi) to go hiking on Whistler Mountain. Whistler is a cozy ski town located 125 km north of Vancouver.
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