Two walking loops through Le Port Morvan
The walk takes a large part along the rocky coast of Le Port Morvan with vegetation mainly broom and heather. You can start in different places and park for free. We parked at Grève du Vauglin, a large parking lot on a slope. We were not yet sure if we were going to take the full hike. Because the route is divided into two walking loops, we were able to decide that in Le Port Morvan.
Hike to Le Port Morvan starts at the parking lot
Our walk started immediately at the free parking of Greve du Vauglin. The parking itself is a bit more difficult to find, because the way to the parking was not in the GPS. At the end of the parking area, go left at the white-red signposts. This part of the GR34 route is hilly and sometimes winds high above the sea. On the coastal path you have a beautiful view of the beaches and the sea all the time. In the parking lot we saw some people descend with a bucket and shovel to the beach below. Apparently they went looking for the smaller version of the shells “scallops Saint-Jacques”, which you can also eat.
Plage de la Cotentin
It was low tide then and you saw the oyster and mussel beds emerge from the sea. Up to the beach “Plage de la Cotentin” you saw the black glittering nurseries contrast with the reflections of the sun on the sea. After you have passed through the small pine forest, the path goes back down. Just before La Plage de la Contentin, the path goes up slightly and you come to the top of the hill at a white house.
From the coast to the field
You walk around the house after which you descend to the parking lot above the beach of Cotentin. There you turn left and follow the yellow arrow to the village of La Cotentin. Follow the streets Rue de Lanmorin, then left to Fountains Street and left again to Rue de Semaphore. Rue de Sémaphore goes 250 meters further on into a field road that you will see at a fork on your right (yellow marking on the pole and red arrow on the photo). Stay parallel on the field road with the sea on your left until you reach Le Port Morvan.
Parallel to the coastline
During this part of the walk we didn't always find the markings, but by staying parallel to the sea you really can't go wrong. During this part you walk along houses and farms, on tar tracks, hiking trails and field roads.
You come through Rue de la Fontenelle at a place that gives access to the beach "Plage du Port Morvan". There is also a toilet. This is where the 2 startsde walking loop on the GR34A (red horizontal line with a red A) and you can extend the walk. Or you can return part of the walk to pick up on the first loop and return to the parking lot via the shoreline.
We chose to walk further and do the second loop as well. We have not regretted it. You continue northwards via Rue des Longs Sillons. After 500 meters, turn left Rue de la Glageolais that turns into Chemin de la Sancie.
Note: You take the street to the left in front of you come to Quai du Mûrier (see photo with red arrow). We had missed the mark on the corner and walked on to Quai du Mûrier. That street dead ends to the left and to the right the road leads to a restaurant and the harbor of Dahouët. So we had to go back to get back on track.
View of Le Port Morvan
Okay, so you took the red and white marking and have turned left at the corner ... After 100 meters, turn right and after another 60 meters, turn left again in front of the driveway of the house. From there you walk again on a clear GR route through a grove and then completely along the coast. It doesn't take long before you see the lighthouse of the picturesque village Dahoueton your right. Now the path continues for 1.2 km along the coast to Le Port Morvan.
Just before the descent to the beach of Le Port Morvan, you will be treated with a breathtaking view of Le Plage de Port Morvan.
Once at the beach you will reach the same point where the 2de walking loop started. The field road to pick up on the 1th walking loop you reach through the street Rue de la Fontenelle (right) from where you came from on the first part. You now have to go back a little (300m) until you find the white red marking that you send in the field. The path continues through a field until you are led back to the coastline with a strong right turn. This spectacular part of the GR34 route runs all the way until you come to the parking lot. The total distance of this hilly walk, including the second loop, is 9 km. It is suitable for children.
Other beautiful walks in the area
Another nice walk in the area is for example the walk from Cap Fréhel to Fort La Latte (see box below). You can visit the castle Fort La Latte in the meantime. The walk from Cap d'Erquy to la Plage du Portuais and Lacs Blues was for me the most beautiful walk we did during our stay in February on the Côte d'Armor in Brittany.
Walk from Cap Fréhel to Fort La Latte
The coastal walk from Cap Fréhel to Fort la Latte is one of the most beautiful in Brittany and follows part of the well-marked GR34 route.
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